Assalamualaykum w.b.t.
Today is Ramadhan 30, 1429. What does that indicate? I guess many muslims especially Malaysians are already in their Raya mode. And now the traffics all over Malaysia are in their worst condition. I am afraid that mosques gradually lose their visitors today. Tomorrow morning, the mosques will be like a big complete set of crayons – colourful. Well, lets not imagine the situation first because when you start doing it, stopping will be difficult.
As you can see very clearly (I guess), I am not in a good mood to write. So, I just want to share a surah with you which really touches and pulls me deep into it. Read the translation below then only enjoy the video.
In The Shade of The Quran. Fi-Zilaalil Quran – by Sayyid Qutb.
Surah Asy-Syams (The Sun), 091 : 1-15. Surah Makiyyah.
1 By the sun and his morning brightness,
2 by the moon as she follows him,
3 by the day which reveals its splendour,
4 by the night when it enshrouds him,
5 by the heaven and its construction,
6 by the earth and its spreading,
7 by the soul and its moulding
8 and inspiration with knowledge of wickedness and piety.
9 Successful is the one who keeps it pure,
10 and ruined is the one who corrupts it.
11 In their insolence the people of Thamoud denied the
12 when their most-wretched broke forth.
13 The Messenger of Allah said to them: "The she-camel of
Allah, let her have her drink".
14 But they cried lies to him, and hamstrung her. For that sin
their Lord let loose His scourge upon them, and razed their city to the ground.
15 He fears not what may follow.
This surah, which maintains a single rhyme and keeps the same musical beat throughout, starts with several aesthetic touches which seem to spring out from the surrounding universe and its phenomena. These phenomena form the framework which encompasses the great truth which is the subject matter of the surah, namely, the nature of man, his inherent abilities, his choice of his line of action, and his responsibility in determining his own fate.
This surah also refers to the story of the tribe of Thamoud and their negative attitude to the warnings of Allah's messenger to them, and their killing of the she-camel; and finally the collapse of Thamoud and their complete annihilation. This comes as an example of the unpromising prospects which await those who corrupt their souls instead of keeping them pure and do not confine themselves within the limits of piety. "Successful is the one who keeps it pure, and ruined is the one who corrupts it." - Sayyid Qutb.
I like this video very much. ~credits to my brother Ahmad Fitri
Snada - Demi Matahari (Asy-Syams)
Demi Matahari
Album : Di Pintu Langit
Munsyid : Snada
Munsyid : Snada
Demi matahari dan sinarnya di pagi hari
Demi bulan apabila ia mengiringi
Demi siang hari bila menampakkan dirinya
Demi malam apabila ia menutupi
Demi langit beserta seluruh binaannya
Demi bumi serta yang ada di hamparannya
Demi jiwa dan seluruh penyempurnaannya
Allah, Subhanallah … Allah, Subhanallah
Allah, Subhanallah … Allah, Subahanallah
Allah mengilhamkan sukma kefasikan dan ketaqwaan
Beruntung bagi yang mensucikan-Nya
Merugi bagi yang mengotori-Nya ... Subhanallah
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